Third training and visit to Gothenburg
Waiting for my secondment, I can affirm that, so far, one of the nicest parts of the SPEAR project are the
training sessions held periodically in one of the partner institutions.
Last week, I met with all the other ESRs in Gothenburg. We had the chance to assist to precious talks on
unconventional computing, a topic that has always attracted my interest and from which I could also find some hints for my project.
It has also been particularly stimulating to hear from professor Akerman about the story of his
startup, Nanoosc, since the real world of startup is sometimes fascinating but obscure to most of us.
For the first time, also all the PIs were presents. This gave us the opportunity to present our work to
a specific audience, and we could receive interesting and original feeedbacks.
The weather has not helped the visiting experience, but on the last afternoon, we could give a look to this nice town and enjoy some time together. After one year, we start to know each other better and these events are getting better also on a personal level