ESR Blog

My last few months

Hello readers. My last few months have included a lot of developments in my life. The nice moments were when we had the SPEAR meeting this time in Hamburg, Germany. It was fun to host my fellow ESRs and show them around. As you can see, we had a lot of fun exploring the Hamburg city, going for dinners and even playing laser tag!

Regarding science, I have had nice results and we are currently finishing the manuscript. I also had nice discussions with Ismael about possible implementations with respect to reservoir computing of my system and in the process learnt a lot about the topic. It was fun to host Ismael again for his last bit of secondment period at Hamburg where he tried to get atomic resolution using the STM!

I am looking forward to attending the ICM conference in bologna in July and also visiting cool places like the Dolomites and Tuscany!

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