
Arturo’s work in ACS Nano!

Arturo Rodríguez Sota’s (ESR12, Hamburg University) first paper, on the behavior of manganese clusters and islands on Ir(111), has just been published in ACS Nano! Congratulations Arturo!! Congratulations to Vishesh as well, who also contributed to this work.

Check out Arturo’s paper in the links below and find a list of all of SPEAR’s publications here!

“Phase Coexistence of Mn Trimer Clusters and Antiferromagnetic Mn Islands on Ir(111)” 
Arturo Rodríguez-Sota, Vishesh Saxena, Jonas Spethmann, Roland Wiesendanger, Roberto Lo Conte, André Kubetzka, and Kirsten von Bergmann 
ACS Nano 2024 (Early Access), DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.3c11459  
Deposited in arXiv  
Open Access provided through the journal and arXiv 

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