
SPEAR Final Conference

The date has been set for the SPEAR Final Conference! From 31 March to 4 April 2025 experts on spin-orbitronics and orbitronics will gather in San Sebastian for this event, which we have called SPIN & ORBIT.

In the first half of the conference SPEAR PIs and ESRs will be joined by external experts to present their work on the project-related topics of spin-charge conversion, spin-orbit torques, skyrmions and nano-oscillators. In a second part, focus will shift to the emerging and closely-related field of orbitronics.

More details and instructions to register can be found on the project website.

With our ESRs in the final stages of their doctoral studies, this conference will likely be the last time they gather together before the project ends in August 2025. A very special occassion!!

We look forward to welcoming you to Donostia!

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