SPEAR’s first ESR Training and Consortium Meeting are coming up next week! ESRs will travel to Grenoble, France, for SPEAR’s first in-person event! Those of us who will be there are looking forward to meeting our ESRs in person (but will have to settle for meeting Maha Khademi, our ESR15, virtually, as she will unfortunately be unable to attend the training in person due to delays in the visa application process).

We have an exciting program ready for our ESRs. Between Monday and Wednesday (21-23 March) they will attend
- a Special Training Session (STS1), delivered by Sofía Facal (Skills4Science, a partner company specializing in soft skills for scientists), covering
- Ethics, Integrity and scientific misconduct
- Gender Balance, diversity awareness and bias
- Ethical leadership and motivation
- and a Focus Topic Session (FTS1) on Spin-to-charge Conversion including scientific lectures on
- Nanomagnetism (Jean-Philippe Attané, CEA)
- Spintronic Devices (Bernard Dieny, CEA)
- Magnetotransport (Claire Baraduc, CEA)
- Spin current generation (Olivier Klein, CEA)
- the spin-Hall effect (Fèlix Casanova, NGU)
- the Rashba-Edelstein effect (Laurent Vila, CEA)
On Thursday SPEAR’s Supervisory Board will meet virtually to discuss the progress of the action, and on Friday PIs and ESRs will meet with Caroline Peters (European Research Executive Agency), SPEAR’s Project Officer for the Mid-Term Check, which will take place online.